OGE Announces Three New Fulbright Opportunities for Faculty
The Office of Global Engagement is proud to announce three new Fulbright opportunities for faculty: Fulbright for US Scholars, Fulbright in Poland for US Scholars, and Fulbright in Canada for US Scholars. Find more details on each opportunity below. A full list of Fulbright options for faculty can be found at https://cies.org/us-scholar-awards.
1- Fulbright for US Scholars Heading link
Deadline is Wednesday, September 15, 2021 11:50PM Pacific Standard Time.
2- Fulbright in POLAND for US scholars Heading link
Fulbright-Poland plans 15 awards for the upcoming 2022-2023 cycle. The program offers opportunities for American academics, artists, and experienced professionals to lecture (4-9 months) or conduct research (3-9 months) at Polish academic and research institutions. Proposals are welcome from candidates in all disciplines with established relations with the host institution. The Commission strongly encourages women in STEM fields to apply.
Fulbright-Poland also offers Distinguished Scholar posts, Senior Scholar teaching posts and one research award together with our partner institutions.
For more information about this great opportunity please visit: https://en.fulbright.edu.pl/grants-for-american-citizens/.
Grants for American citizens – Polsko-Amerykańska Komisja Fulbrighta
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program allows students and alumni of U.S. higher education institutions to conduct a research project for 10 months at Polish universities or any other pertinent non-university institutions, such as research labs or archives.
3- Fulbright in CANADA for US Scholars Heading link
For 2022/2023, Fulbright Canada is offering more than 50 Research Chairs at top Canadian Institutions. These grants support research with colleagues across Canada for a 4 to 9-month period- applications are accepted through September 15th, 2021. These opportunities are for a start date of September 2022 or January 2023. For more information please visit: https://www.fulbright.ca/.
On April 8, 2021, author, journalist and professor Andrew Cohen will deliver a Fulbright Canada 30th Anniversary Talk, Turn Me Loose: The Heroic Life of Medgar Wiley Evers.Medgar Wiley Evers was the face of the freedom struggle in Mississippi as it began to emerge in the mid-1950s.
Fulbright Canada Available Opportunities
• Research Chair: Available in most disciplines, the Research Chair awards are for a 4-month period. For more information please see: //www.fulbright.ca/programs/american-scholars/research-chairs.html
There is also a series of Distinguished Chairs offered for 9 Months by Carleton University in Ottawa on specific topics such as Arts and Social Sciences in Canada and North America, Entrepreneurship, Public Affairs in North America: Society, Policy, Media, Environmental Science, and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Fulbright Canada contact person:
Paulo Carvalho
Recruitment Specialist
2015-350 rue Albert Street, Ottawa, Canada K1R1A4
E-mail: pcarvalho@fulbright.ca
Phone: 613 688 5518
Website: www.fulbright.ca
Eligibility requirements for all Fulbright programs: Heading link
Eligibility requirements for all Fulbright programs:
• Be a U.S. citizen (Permanent residence is not sufficient)
• Hold a Ph.D., MFA, or equivalent professional/terminal degree.
• Applicants who have resided abroad for five or more consecutive years in the six-year period preceding the application deadline are ineligible. A period of nine months or more during a calendar year constitutes a full year.
• Recipients of a Fulbright Scholar award are eligible to apply for another award two years after the date of completion of the previous award.
Detailed Eligibility requirements are available here: https://www.fulbright.ca/programs/american-scolars/eligibility.
P.S. Did know that: Heading link
P.S. Did know that:
• If you are interested in hosting a Canadian graduate student for 9 months for 2022/2023, they can apply to the Fulbright Student Award (US$20 thousand) for doing research in the USA. For more info please see: https://www.fulbright.ca/programs/canadian-students/traditional-awards.html.
• If you are supervising a graduate student (US Citizen) that wants to conduct research in Canada for 9 months they are also eligible for the same benefit. They can find more info at https://www.fulbright.ca/programs/american-students/traditional-awards.html.