“Mapping Our Global Community” Event Revived at 2021 International Student Orientation

As the UIC’s campus reopened in August, the Office of Global Engagement and the Office of International Services was pleased to revive the “Mapping Our Global Community” induction event as part of this year’s new International Student Orientation.
Due to the COVID space restrictions, students who attended in present, placed their pins on the map themselves while OGE and OIS staff placed pins on the map for those who were attending virtually and shared their home city and country via Zoom chat.
Each student’s pin color reflects their academic level—English language learner, undergraduate, masters, or doctoral. The hundreds of colorful pins across the map displayed vividly the diversity of our UIC international students.
Pictured: Students place their pins on the Global Community Map. The Global Ambassadors in the East Campus Quad in front of one of the new large multi-lingual welcome banners installed on East and West Campuses as a demonstration of UIC’s global engagement and diverse international community.